Why Customer Experience is The Catalyst for Digital Transformation – Brian Solis

Customer experience is beyond just any one moment. It’s every moment plus all moments combined. You have a few great moments and some not-so-great moments. The problem with the approach to marketing today is each one of those moments is owned, managed and measured by different groups, and those groups don’t always collaborate

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.briansolis.com

Customer experience happens with or without direct interaction with marketing. If I use a product, look at your website or come across your campaign, these things happen without the company knowing my impressions, my expressions or what I say about them to others.

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Lego® Serious Play ® for business | Insieme a Todi AppyDays

Lego® Serious Play ® un metodo efficace per le organizzazioni (e non solo). Giochiamo insieme a Todi AppyDays sabato 26 settembre | Let’s play Lego® for biz

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.fabriziofaraco.it

Cosa c’entra il Lego® con il Marketing? I mattoncini e gli elementi così cari da anni ai bambini (e non solo) di tutto il mondo sembrano entrarci poco con il business. A parte che Lego® ha innovato molto nel marketing, uno dei migliori esempi di Brand Experience come ci racconta Graham D. Brown. Pochi sanno che attraverso i mattoncini e gli elementi del Lego® sui può “letteralmente” “pensare attraverso le dita” – scatenando intuizione, ispirazione e fantasia. Grazie al Lego® Serious Play® si creano metafore visive 3D finalizzate a rappresentare le principali questioni su cui si vuole ragionare e i possibili modi per risolverle, coinvolgendo tutti gli aspetti della dimensione umana (razionale, emozionale, istintiva) semplicemente costruendo modelli e raccontando storie su di essi (storymaking) aiutati da un facilitatore. Quindi metafore 3D per risolvere problemi strategici e interni ad un’impresa o a un team.

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How Intel Attracts More Than 2 Million Readers A Month | B2B Marketing Insider

By NewsCred Contributor Anastasia Dyakovskaya Luke Kintigh, Intel’s Global Content and Media Strategist, is a triple threat in the content marketing indust

Source: www.b2bmarketinginsider.com

Luke Kintigh, Intel’s Global Content and Media Strategist, is a triple threat in the content marketing industry: part content creator, part data analyst, and part distribution genius. He also happens to be one of the speakers at next week’s #ThinkContent Summit.

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How to Build a Content Marketing System to Automate your Blogging Efforts

I will not be talking about how to create content, I will break down the system I used to build our blog to over 100,000 pageviews a month and some ideas on how to scale it.

Source: blog.scoop.it

great content marketing system starts with writing consistent, compelling content. Scoop.it has published some great post on the topic here, here and here.

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Siamo tutti marketer | We are all marketer Fabrizio Faraco

The Brand is not a strategy, but what you are. Brand starts in the recruitment process. Your people are your brand. Your Brand experience is defined in the moments customers interact with your own employees. Companies run by empathic communicative teams create the most enduring experiences. Your organizational culture is your destiny: how you treat your own employees shapes Brand experience. Companies that empower employees and create empathic cultures create positive experience. Toxic cultures produce toxic brand.

Source: www.fabriziofaraco.it

In Connection Economy everyone is a marketer by definition. Everyone has its own network (even TV network with the emergence of personal streaming app like Periscope) and talks about your brand every day. Your story, maybe built by your agency or related to your advertising, is just one of those stories about your brand, often the least important. Your company people are also marketer, often the most important one.

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